Sunday, December 1, 2013

What Happened to my Blog?

Traffic Before Social Media Use

Before posting the link to other social networking sites the overall page views of my blog were 69. Each individual post had no page views, which means the visitor only stayed on the main page and did not click on an individual post. There were no traffic sources, which means no referring URLs or sites.

What I Did

In order to cross post I used the social media sites that I use on a daily basis. I first posted the link to Facebook, with a plea to help me pass my class assignment. Next, I posted it to twitter saying it was for my college class. Then I posted an image from my blog to Pinterest under my Rocker board with the description "Every rocker needs an awesome phone case!" Finally, I posted a picture of me holding a sign asking for page views to Instagram.

Traffic After Social Media Use

After posting the link to those sites the overall page views of my blog were 212 and growing! My intro post had an 11 page view history, A Day without Technology had 5, and the Product Review had 98. The top two referring URLs were Facebook and Google. The top two referring sites were Facebook and Bobbim100 blog (a classmates blog).

How/If Cross Posting Increased Traffic

Obviously, cross posting increased traffic to my blog. The page views jumped from 69 to to 212! Facebook definitely worked the best. I think this is because I am friends with my family on Facebook and there willing to do whatever to help me with college. Also, I later found out that the link was shared multiple times, and emailed to family members who don't have Facebook. I even got a comment on my blog from my Aunt who lives in Maryland! I actually don't think the other sites helped all that much. When I checked my referring sites throughout the time, there was only ever Facebook. My tweet was not retweeted, and no one repined or liked it on Pinterest. The one that worked the least would have to be Instagram because I thought friends would be able to just click the link in the description, but it just turned out to be text and unclickable. If I ever wanted to increase traffic again, I would definitely use Facebook. I might try twitter or Pinterest again just to see if it was the description that held people from clicking on it.